Today is Rome's birthday. According to legend, the Caput Mundi was founded on April 21, 753 BC. The city looks pretty good for being 2774 years old. Auguri!
Excerpted from Hand Crafted Travel's Walks in Rome & Vatican City, a series of self-guided walks through the Eternal City.
Locals and visitors alike are upset about the new street lights being installed in Rome's historic core. The city is busy replacing old lights with much more energy efficient LED lamps, which the city estimates will save about $52 million each year in electricity. The problem is that the LED lights produce a bright white light – not the warm, yellowish glow that is more familiar to those wandering the streets after dark. One local has called it the difference between a “candlelit dinner versus the frozen-food aisle of your local grocery store.”
Rome's new mayor, Virginia Raggi, was elected in June on promises to clear out corruption and clean up the city. Today, less than six months later, comes word that Raffaele Marra, a close advisor considered her right hand man, has been arrested on corruption charges. Just a few days ago the mayor's environmental advisor resigned, after revealing that she was the subject of an investigation (unrelated to Mr Marra's case).
Ah, Roma...
The Colosseum is in the middle of a €25 million restoration project, funded by a private Italian company. Here's a look at one portion, after the scaffolding had been moved on to the next section. It looks really good without all the black grime.
The BBC recently did a short video looking at the progress of the project.
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