Condottieri in Italy

A view of the Colleoni Chapel, in Bergamo, Italy.

The chapel is the burial place of the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni, head of one of the city's most illustrious families. Condottieri were essentially mercenary generals with their own armies, and were a common feature of medieval politics in Italy. City-states like Venice, Genoa and Florence had grown enormously rich during the Renaissance, but had little or no military to guard their wealth and trade routes, so they contracted with private armies for protection.

Sacrifice Remembered

Taken a few years ago at the American Cemetery in Normandy, France. A reminder for those who question the value or morality of American engagement abroad.

Food Trucks, Italian Style

While wandering around Cremona, Italy I came across a street food festival, featuring food trucks Italian style.

Fall morning in Eguisheim

Fall morning in Eguisheim, in the Alsace region of France. Note the stork's nest on the church bell tower, empty now as the storks have headed south to Africa for the winter.

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